Maximum and Minimum allowed time before service booking per each service

 36 Requests
Status: Shipped

Add possibility to set Maximum and Minimum allowed time before service booking per each service differently

Clemens O on July 13, 2022:

I need it urgently. For some services is more planning required than others. Hence this is a really good proposal!

Matt W on July 18, 2022:

Yes, we have new patients fill out forms that take a few days, so we don't want to allow bookings very close to the appointment date. Existing patients don't need to fill out any forms and we'd love for them to be able to book right up to the appointment time to fill in the gaps left by last minute cancellation. Strongly agree this is an important feature!

José R. R on Aug. 3, 2022:

This one is critical for my business. I work mostly issuing packages where clients should attend once every 30-45 days, but no less than 30 days. I am facing now the issue with clients booking every 15 days, even even if we tell them it's every 30 days.

Oleg G on Sept. 3, 2022:

This fiature is very helpfull for us. We have some external teachers that should be notified on their bookings in 2 hours before service scheduled while the rest can be notified in 10 minutes before.

POMMIER B on Sept. 8, 2022:

It absolutely needs to be put in place. Each service is different so we must be able to manage reservations and cancellations independently of other services

Collection H. V on Sept. 8, 2022:

Been waiting a long time for this and already requested it several times, this would be very helpful!

Jaime C on Sept. 8, 2022:

I agree. I offer different types of services. One is more bespoke and it requires more company resources, therefore for this service I need a cutoff of 2 or 3 days. My other services are much simpler and don't require much planning, so the cutoff time can be as little as 20 minutes.

Vincenzo M on Sept. 13, 2022:

Each services have different necessities. Is most important have possibilities to set different allowed time.

Lukas K on Sept. 24, 2022:

Each service has different modus operandi, therefore it would be very useful to have the option of changing the minimum allowed time for the booking.

Mo C on Oct. 24, 2022:


gregor s on Oct. 26, 2022:

That would be a great feature! We have multiple locations and they require different planning times too .... would be super useful to have

Jeffery D on Jan. 4, 2023:

Some of my service providers work in the facility so they are always available to accept bookings up to the second before. Others only come to my facility when they have appointments so if you book 15 min before they could be anywhere at that moment. this would be a huge feature and at this point I might have to come up with another solution if not added :(

CBS I on Jan. 30, 2023:

This is a critical feature.

Rich A on Feb. 6, 2023:

Vital for efficient time management preparation between clients

Nader A. M on March 21, 2023:

100% support this request.
It is very important as having one parameter across the different services is really annoying.

McKayla K on April 5, 2023:

Yes! I would love this feature. Some classes require more prep work and inventory. This feature would allow for me to host more classes on the platform and upgrade my monthly subscription package.

Michael K on June 10, 2023:

For programs like ems training you are not allow to train every day, you need to have a three day gap between exercise. Clients know this but it would be nice to have this task automatically for them.

Lauriane C on Dec. 6, 2023:

I would love this feature. I usually need time to change the sheets and clean the table after a massage, but for couples, people are usually comfortable usine the same sheets. Also, some people book 2 hours from their packages for which I need to book 2x 1 hours so both hours are credited in the package. I then do not need the 15 minutes since it is the same person.

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