WHATSAPP - Tap client phone number and get prompt to either call or Whatsapp the number

 30 Requests
Status: Shipped

To have within the admin app a button "WhatsApp" and there he would be directed to his personal WhatsApp where user could call or message the client

Jaime C on Aug. 3, 2022:

We almost never contact our clients by phone. We WhatsApp them. It would be very helpful if the SimplyBook app had the option that whenever you tap the client's phone number, you could have the option to either place a voice call or send a WhatsApp message.
This is particularly important for tourism businesses like mine. Most of our clients are foreigners, calling foreign phone numbers is expensive, and roaming (getting calls while you're abroad) is expensive too; therefore calling is not an option for us. Regular SMS don't work either because outside the US/Canada, nobody uses normal SMS messages (people use WhatsApp instead).

Nader A. M on March 21, 2023:

I believe whatsapp messaging became part of day-to-day business.
Hope to see this feature soon, especially that telegram communication already included as a custom feature, while it is less spread among our clients.

Marco Q on May 5, 2023:

Today, small startups like Trafft offer these features in their scheduling tools. Here in Brazil practically everyone communicates through WhatsApp, so having the resource to receive confirmation of meetings or receive a reminder of the scheduled meeting time in advance through WhatsApp is more important than SMS. In Brazil, nobody has the habit of paying attention to SMS, but to WhatsApp.

Into T. W. C on June 30, 2023:

I agree, in this day and age, WhatsApp is key for global communications.

Daniel M on July 17, 2023:

Yes! This is exactly whats holding me back from simplybook!

Wash W on Sept. 5, 2023:

I need my clients to share there location URL as a clickable link in the admin app for my service provider to start navigating directly.

Rodolfo N on Sept. 21, 2023:

confirmation of appointment via WhatsApp,

Tom U on March 2, 2024:

confirmation of appointment/communication via WhatsApp instead of SMS

Nathan F on March 27, 2024:

This would be great - many clients prefer using Whatsapp over email

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