Automated refunds upon cancellation

 25 Requests
Status: Under Review
Merrick M on Nov. 30, 2022:

For easier management, I would like to have automated refunds to customers upon cancellation, refunded to their selected online payment method (whether credit card, etc). Ideally the refunds would be subject to specific rules, e.g.
- if a deposit was made, it would be fully refunded if the appointment is cancelled X days before the appointment date, otherwise it will not be refunded.
- if a full payment was made, it would be fully refunded if the appointment is cancelled X days before the appointment date. it would be partially refunded N% if cancelled Y days before the appointment date. Otherwise no refunds.

This second item above is similar to Airbnb cancellation rules and management, which makes things very easy. They also have categories of Strict, Moderate, Flexible which is great.

Dreamy S on Feb. 8, 2023:

Absolutely, the cancellation refunds are a mess. The Booking Details do not indicate clearly whether a deposit has been paid since Cancellations are lumped together with Timed Out transactions. Download the .csv of Cancellations and you will receive no information about whether a deposit has been made. This leaves you to sleuth out each booking one-by-one leaving you with a high probability of error.

Nick F on June 23, 2023:

Agreed!! This is needed so bad.

Pascal G on July 10, 2023:

Have the choice to activate an automatic refund in the event of cancellation with or without activated the cancellation terms.

Samantha B on July 25, 2023:

Agreed! Need cancellations to be auto refunded based on company's cancellation policy.

Andy D on Aug. 1, 2023:

Manual labour when dealing with 80 bookings a day


Giacomo R on Oct. 2, 2023:

Yeah we would need this as well. Escape room busines

Alexa G on Oct. 5, 2023:

That would be great

Erwyn v. d. M on Oct. 10, 2023:

We also need support for (automated) partial refunds. Currently we have to do those manually at the payment provider and this refunded amount is not reflected in

Also agree with the feedback that the auto-cancelled bookings because payment was not received within the timeout are cluttering the views and are hard to distinguish from the user initiated cancellations.

So in short. We need a system that allows us to set absolute amounts or a percentage of the booking amount as cancellation fee, depending on how many days it is before the start of the appointment, and will automatically refund the remainder.

Genevieve R on Oct. 23, 2023:

I use this for fire pit rental reservations. It's really annoying that clients have to wait for me to get into the office to process the refund manually even though they cancelled the booking. I'd like this to be automatic so that they can get their money back faster. I'm currently dealing with a $300 dispute with Square because of this.

Renee B on Oct. 31, 2023:

This is highly needed to save the provider time and provide a more efficient service.

Sander W on Nov. 2, 2023:

This would make things a lot easier. We like to refund every booking that is canceled 24 hour before the actual treatment automatically.

Séverine S on Dec. 12, 2023:

It would be really nice to have this option, with the ability to not credit if the cancellation doesn't adhere to the cancellation policy.

Amber H on Dec. 27, 2023:

Yes, still confused how to accurately see who cancelled in order to process refunds. We need cancellations to be auto refunded based on company's cancellation policy.

Patrick L on Jan. 15, 2024:

We will have a considerable number of bookings coming through - circa. 100 per day. We do not want the admin of dealing with this.

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