Prevent double bookings by one client - Classes

 9 Requests
Status: Under Review
Phil V on April 5, 2023:

We offer our classes for free when clients purchase a recurring membership. We need to be able to limit the client to booking only one slot per class, to keep the class open for as many clients as possible, and to prevent customers from trying to take advantage of the membership and bring in other people for free.

Cherie K on Sept. 1, 2023:

Similarly, we only want our clients to be able to book one visit per week. Currently we have clients booking multiple appointments on the same day, or during the same week, and we have no way to prevent this practice.

Séverine S on Dec. 5, 2023:

Exactly the same for me.

Malon K on Jan. 9, 2024:

I also have memperships and the classes then are free. My customers earn points for every class they visit. With that points they can buy gift cards to reduce their payment for the membership like a loyalty programm. When the customer can book a class more than one time he is able to generate many points with the same event. Please prevent from that.

Don L on Feb. 4, 2024:

It would not completely solve the issue, but when a client clicks the "Confirm Booking" button, I would like the system to check for existing bookings under any of the required fields (Name/Phone/Email), and if another active future appointment is detected, pop up a dialog box very similar to the one that pops up administratively if I click a client's name under "Manage Clients." The dialog would then ask the client to confirm the additional booking. This would allow the client to detect accidental duplicates and decline the booking. Administratively, there would be a setting on how many active bookings are allowed for a client, and if exceeded, the client would get a message like " You must delete one of your existing bookings in order to make an additional booking.

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