Waiting Room Module

 2 Requests
1 Comment
Status: Under Review
Ian W on May 10, 2023:

My idea is that there would be a webpage admin staff could set going on an iPad, with the iPad locked down in their waiting room.

The webpage application operates in a "Kiosk" mode. Clients entering the waiting room, can check in, and notify service providers of their arrival for their booking using the iPad. This could be done by asking them for 2 pieces of information, e.g. first name, email address etc. The system then updates the Administration module's diary, so that service users / admin, can see the client has arrived for their booked appointment.

This would be beneficial where the waiting room is separate to the area where services and service providers are, in very small businesses who don't traditionally have or need a receptionist. This would act as a virtual receptionist, notifying service providers of arrivals, and help manage flow.

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