Exclusive Group Booking

 3 Requests
Status: Under Review
berriewood f on May 25, 2023:

We would like to be able to book a single booking of 1, 2 or 3 people into a service with a specific provider - but we want that booking to be exclusive.
We need a single customer to be able to book up to 6 people in for a specific service and, regardless of how many people are booked in, we want that hour to be used exclusively for that booking.
Say our provider can take up to 6 customers for a given hour, and a customer makes a single booking for a group of 3, we don’t want anyone else to be able to book in any of the remaining availability - making the booking exclusive!

Lindsay B on Dec. 18, 2023:

This is exactly what I need. I submitted it under Limit Group Bookings, but now found it here. We have one appointment slot available for a minimum of 4, up to 12 people, but once a booking has been made for that slot, we'd like to block it off, so that no other groups can book. We've found that this can be done manually by blocking off the remaining slots via a calendar note, but would love to see this be automatic.

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