Xero Integration

 2 Requests
Status: Shipped
Mary H on June 22, 2023:

Xero is the most popular accounting software in Australia. It will be highly recommended to have Xero integration with Simplybook.me. I am a massage business owner and an Accountant by profession, having this integration will make the bookkeeping easy. I know there is Zapier integration but to pay another subscription fee to external party, I would rather upgrade my subscription with Simplybook.me to get the extra Xero feature than pay someone else, if you know what I mean. One of the positive benefit or opportunity would be gaining popularity or more subscriptions in Australia because Xero is the leading accounting software here in the country. This integrated feature will definitely attract Accountants to suscribe to Simplybook.me. Hope you will consider my suggestion.

Business owner
Mary's Relaxation Massage
Karratha, Western Australia

John S on Aug. 14, 2023:

Yes I agree, both xero and quickbooks.
As I understand it they are well on their way to these integrations.

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