Add Cancel Order button before payment

 2 Requests
1 Comment
Status: Under Review
Nader A. M on July 6, 2023:

It was good to see the new feature of Pending Order Notification. However, this notification becomes annoying for customers who would like to cancel the process of purchase before the payment screen.
Usually, online order pages include a "Cancel Order" and sometimes "Change Order" button before the the customer proceeds to the payment process.
It is totally not practical if the customer is no more interested to complete the order, but he has to do so just to get rid of the annoying notification of pending order. This unnecessary booking he will make affects our business, as the booking will reserve a slot until it is cancelled either by admin or by the customer himself.
So, the quick fix for this issue is to add a button to cancel the order before proceeding to the payment screen.

Hope you consider this important feature.

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