Improved group bookings

 3 Requests
Status: Under Review
F B. F. B on Aug. 4, 2023:

At present the platform cannot handle group bookings effectively. We regularly take large group bookings (up to 15 ppl) and when these are made by the customer they each come through as individual bookings, rather than one group booking. This means if we need to cancel/reschedule we have to do each one individually. We offer add on sale items/services and if a customer selects these for a group booking then it adds one for every person in the booking. This has lead to confusion as customers naturally assume that must add one per person. This has caused customers to accidentally book more than required which is then made worse by the fact it's not possible to do partial refunds. It's all a bit of a mess really

Brad M on Sept. 29, 2023:

I almost exclusively deal with group booking made by a single user, I need to be able to offer discounts with parameters. ASAP.

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