Login / Signup before selecting dates

 3 Requests
Status: Under Review
Yunior S on Oct. 3, 2023:

Currently if a new customer can't find an open date in the calendar, we lost that client.
Requesting the login/signup before selecting the dates will allow us to see which possible customer is in our system without an appointment allowing for a follow up.

Patrick J on Dec. 7, 2023:

In addition to this, if a customer accesses the booking website (without logging in), just to check his/her bookings, he/she is shown a page that says that there are no bookings. While this is "normal" as the user has not logged in yet - the average user is not thinking that far, believes all his bookings have disappeared, or might have been cancelled - and either gets frustrated, inquires via e-mail, or worst case walks away. Please fix.

Patrick J on Dec. 8, 2023:

While the SBM developers had a great idea to implement a redirect when selecting "My packages". Cf.

In this line of thoughts, I'd advocate to implement a similar solution (low cost/quick win) for the bookings. Something like:

This is not a final solution, but would help tremendously.

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